This training program has been specifically designed to assist General American speakers in mastering Received Pronunciation.
The drills in the program have been created to address issues that Americans have with British sounds.
The full video version of this course is available below and includes more advanced exercises in addition to basic articulation exercises.
This course includes exercises to help American English speakers
- avoid non-rhotic sounds
- lighten the /l/ sounds
- round the lips for back vowel sounds such as /ɒ/ and /əʊ/, etc
- avoid slacking the jaw
- avoid flexing (curling) the tongue
- speak RP in a more fluent and relaxed manner
The exercises are group together to help you train the articulators for each target sound.
Each section starts with an exercise to train the articulators, followed by word list exercises and finally phrase exercises.
Please note that this course is still work in progress and new content is still being added. The price of the course has been discouneted to reflect this. Please leave comments where possible as this will help us make improvements to the course.
The current total length of the audio recordings spans approximately one hour. The full video course which includes video tutorials and exercises is available via the above link. This course is ideal for beginners who struggle with the basic articulation of the sounds of RP.
- 13 Sections
- 46 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
- IntroductionIntroduction3
- Dropping the /r/ IDropping the /r/ - British /ə/ instead of American /ər/5
- Dropping the /r/ IIDropping the /r/ - British /ɜː/ instead of American /ɜr/4
- Dropping the /r/ IIIBritish /eə/ instead of American /ɛr/4
- Dropping the /r/ IVBritish /ɪə/ instead of American /ɪr/4
- Dropping the /r/ VBritish /ʊə/ instead of American /ʊr/4
- Dropping the /r/ VIBritish /ɑː/ instead of American /ɑr/5
- Dropping the /r/ VIIBritish /ɔː/ vs American /ɔr/4
- Lightening the /l/British /l/ vs American /l/5
- British Rounded lips vs American slack jawBritish /ɒ/ instead of American /ɑ/4
- British /r/ vs American /r/1
- British /əʊ/ vs American /oʊ/0
- Natural RP ExercisesIntroduction3
Target audiences
- Speakers of General American English