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- RP Training for Gen American Speakers
- RP Accent Training for General American Speakers
- 13 Sections
- 46 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
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- IntroductionIntroduction3
- Dropping the /r/ IDropping the /r/ - British /ə/ instead of American /ər/5
- Dropping the /r/ IIDropping the /r/ - British /ɜː/ instead of American /ɜr/4
- Dropping the /r/ IIIBritish /eə/ instead of American /ɛr/4
- Dropping the /r/ IVBritish /ɪə/ instead of American /ɪr/4
- Dropping the /r/ VBritish /ʊə/ instead of American /ʊr/4
- Dropping the /r/ VIBritish /ɑː/ instead of American /ɑr/5
- Dropping the /r/ VIIBritish /ɔː/ vs American /ɔr/4
- Lightening the /l/British /l/ vs American /l/5
- British Rounded lips vs American slack jawBritish /ɒ/ instead of American /ɑ/4
- British /r/ vs American /r/1
- British /əʊ/ vs American /oʊ/0
- Natural RP ExercisesIntroduction3