I love drinking tea with milk.
I love drinking tea with milk.
Repeat each word individually, emphasizing the correct pronunciation:
I / love / drinking / tea / with / milk.
Repeat each word slowly and clearly with a slight pause between them:
I… love… drinking… tea… with… milk.
Repeat each phrase slowly and clearly with a slight pause between them:
I love… drinking tea… with milk.
Repeat the sentence at a natural speed, emphasizing the connecting sounds:
I love drinking tea with milk.
Repeat the sentence with emphasis on the stressed syllables:
I love drinking TEA with MILK.
Repeat the sentence with different intonations to convey different emotions:
I love drinking tea with milk! (excitement)
I love drinking tea with milk. (neutral)
I love drinking tea with milk? (questioning)
I love acter’s voice! He is very posh!